Friday 23 September 2011

15x kratom

Kratom capsules are sold pre-dosed, which makes administering the product a whole lot more simplified and efficient. There is no unease of taking too much or too little, you can be sure that you are consuming just the right dose knowing the exact weight content of each individual capsule. Kratom prefers wet, humus-rich soils in a protected position. Being a heavy feeder, it requires very rich, fertile soil. It is drought sensitive, and if grown out of its native habitat, sensitive to frost. Propagation is by very fresh seed or cuttings. There is a low strike rate, due to an endogenous fungus which attacks xylem tissue. The term Kratom refers to the Mitragyna speciosa tree, but also mainly to this tree’s leaves when used as a psychoactive or medicine, and their derived products such as crude extracts. The most common acceptance is that Kratom refers specifically to Mitragyna speciosa. Yet due to regional and seasonal variations and preparations, different “types” of Mitragyna speciosa Kratom can be distinguished. Kratom 5x Liquid Extract is an exclusive of our shop. It contains a standardized 5x extract of our Mitragyna specious Leaf, extracted into pure grain alcohol and mountain spring water, for a unique, Full Spectrum Extract. Please note that this small 1oz of liquid began with only a few ounces of raw Kratom Leaf and that it's a Full Spectrum extract.

 If you are looking for 15x kratom related products you will want visit:              -